Jason Hayes Foundation

Before you begin please ensure

  • your applicant matches our “Who Should Apply?” criteria here.
  • you have a letter from the applicant’s therapist, social worker, or school adjustment counselor stating why the applicant would benefit from attending the camp or program and why they would be a success

If you have questions or concerns about our criteria, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Apply online or download the application to email, mail, or fax it.

Apply for Scholarships

  • Applicant (Camper) Information

    Please fill out a separate application for each child for whom you are applying.
  • Applicant's history or social/emotional special needs that fit the criteria of the Jason Hayes Foundation. All information will be kept confidential.
  • Main Contact

  • Alternate Contact

  • Parent/ guardian information is required if not listed as main contact.
  • Household Information

  • From last year. Include wages, alimony, social security, etc.
  • If there is any other family information that would be helpful for us to know, please include it below.
  • Camp Information

    Please provide some information about the camp you are applying for.
  • If the program is not a nonprofit organization and a scholarship is granted, we will require a statement (bill) from the camp before a check is issued stating that the funds are for a scholarship for the named camper and the amount of the reduced fee, if any.
  • Email:
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 20.
  • Excluding transportation, registration, etc.
  • Please attach a letter from the applicant’s therapist, social worker, or school adjustment counselor stating why the applicant would benefit from attending the camp or program and why it would be a success.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: docx, pdf, csv, xlsx, xls, jpg, png, txt.
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.