Jason Hayes Foundation

Heroes Leadership Project


We were excited to support 2 workshops presented by the Heroes Leadership project.    The goal was and is to provide camp personnel with the tools to be better able to make camp experiences more accessible to those children who are the  most  vulnerable while  not losing sight of the rest of the camp population.

Mass Advocates for Children – 


We have provided several grants for their Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative (TLPI).   The goal is to ensure that children traumatized by exposure to family violence and other adverse childhood experiences succeed in school.    We are excited that this initiative is growing and hope that the word gets out and more schools use the materials they promote.

Adoption and Foster Care Mentoring (AFC) –


AFC is an organization that provides mentors to youth in foster care; a consistent  mentor can make a positive life long impact both the mentor and mentee

Think: Kids –


They promote more effective and compassionate care for kids with behavioral challenges.     Their website is a wealth of information and they hold several seminars annually for educators, therapists and parents.

Youth Villages –


Youth Villages believes that no child is a lost cause.   Not a single one !    They work with families with behaviorally and emotionally challenging children through a wife array of programs.

Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange, Inc.


MARE’s goal is to provide every child in long-term foster care with permanent adoptive families.

We have supplied grants to support their dual purpose Adoption-Recruitment Film Cap and various workshops

A Home Within –


An organization focused exclusively on meeting the emotional needs of current and former foster youth.